Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Baby's First Haircut

Today Henry got his first hair cut; I think it was harder for me than for him. I was very nervous about how he would react and if he would have a really hard time with the whole ordeal. I had my husband take him so that I would not have to watch the freak out. Henry is the black and white long haired one on the right.

I had nothing to worry about though. Adam came back with a full report of considerably good behavior and reaction. The Groomer did cheat a bit with 'Rescue Remedy' - Natural stress relief for pets, which may have mitigated some of the panic. Whether it helped or not, she did manage to get all ten of his nails clipped as well.

I think the most shocking thing is how small Henry really is. We consider him to be the big man on campus. He is heavier than the other two and just bigger overall. But let me tell you; its all hair. All of it. My Mother- in- Law was correct in calling him the Marshmallow.

I guess we will have to come up with some new nicknames....'Big Fluff' just does not seem very fitting...