Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Bad Morning

Sleeping in on the weekends is always a crap shoot for me. Our lives are so regimented during the week that it is hard to break that cycle of getting up early- long before the sun is up and the heat is on-to get a start on the day. This is made even more pronounced when our 3 cats feel that they should always get fed on time, everyday whether the alarm went off or not. 

Therefore I find myself often awake around 5:30 on Saturday and Sunday mornings. Most mornings I will get back into bed in the hope that I will fall asleep again, and often I do. Some mornings I am full of ambition and will decide, as I am dolling out dry food, to stay up and get things done. I got my mother's Christmas present done on one such morning in late November, I have measured, cut and pinned fabric for pillows. 

This morning I decided to get back into bed as I thought that I had a chance at sleep. Especially after yesterday morning when I was woken before 5am by a well placed game of tail tag and the conquering of an evil plastic bag. I fell back asleep even after chasing Tina for 10 minutes trying to grab her and put in in the time-out room, the basement, with the boys. I know, half hour is just a half hour, why not just feed the cats then and get it over with? I will not reinforce bad behavior because 30 minutes easily turns into breakfast demands at 4:15 am.

Well I gave up on sleep at 6:30 after spending an hour thinking about cats and my blog. It was really cute though, all 3 babies joined me in bed, Henry just on my side of the middle of the bad, Tina resting against my back tunneled under several layers of covers and Charlie standing in front of me enjoying the half hearted head scratches.

I donned my sweatpants and favorite sweater and headed for my heated throw and the couch where my latest project waited patiently. Did I mention that Tina loves the heated throw? If it's on the couch she will be there making biscuits ( or happy feet if you like). I had maybe 2 minutes of peace before Tina appears with her sharp claws and manages to pull a snag in my sweater. A huge snag in my favorite sweater of all time. Not just any snag but right on my sleeve right in eye view, I can't avoid it. I just wanted to relax, now I have to spend 30 minutes finding the right tool to fix this, the smallest of my knitting holder, and working the strand of the yarn back into place. The snag must have been 4 inches long and wouldn't pull back in with my usual techniques.

This is not how I wanted to start my day.  

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I had this great idea to do a post on the 31st about saying good bye to January and showing pictures of all of the projects that had been accomplished but not blogged about. I got the idea on Sunday as we were driving back from a trip to see family. Sunday night I made more bread, whole wheat this time, so there was no time there. 

Monday was very busy at work and then home brought all of the chores and tasks that didn’t get done over the weekend. To help me fall asleep I starting writing in my head the Hello February post that would review January and give home to February. All hopes were dashed when at 11:30pm I had the first of many sessions with the mighty white porcelain god, when my 2011 bout of the plague started. Good thing my babies were there to comfort me..

By the time I was able to move about the house safely all of my motivation had gone down the drain, literally. I don’t remember much of Tuesday but I did manage to get hooked on Grey’s Anatomy. Wednesday brought attempts to get some work done and then more time on the couch, resting with Meredith, Cristina and McDreamy. Here we are on Thursday with my only attempt at hello and good bye and still not a lot of talk about my past projects. Oh well, better luck next time….

Oh did I forget to mention we got a ton of snow as well?