Where did October go!!?!?! I cannot believe that Halloween is this weekend! I am a huge Halloween believer, though my husband is not, I think he was hoping that if he didn't bring it up I would forget. HA!
Though we do not have a pumpkin at this moment I am holding out hope for tomorrow, or at least take advantage of some good culinary pumpkins on sale this weekend.
So, you know that dance that everyone has that goes something along the lines of “it’s freaking awesome and I did it cuz I am the greatest?" Well... wait until I figure out how to post pictures! My costume is incredible. On Monday when I realized that I had to dress up on Friday (obviously) with no costume ideas I had an idea to be the White Witch from The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe movie. Easy right? Wear all white and find some fake icicles to glue to a headband- done! Well, there are no icicles to be found on the Thursday before this year’s Halloween.
So there I am bumbling around JoAnn Fabrics trying desperately to think of something to be. Let me tell you how inspiring fake flowers can be when you are Mother Nature! Got a few yard of fabric and a bunch of fake flowers and voila!
The CFO at work bursts out laughing as she caught me going to my office- thats right, it was a work day :D